Tag Archives: conventions

Yaoi-Con Purchases

Since Yaoi-Con was in my neck of the woods this year, I decided to go for a day and hang out. It’s really not my type of con. I’m not that into yaoi or fangirling or cosplay or even seeing … Continue reading

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What Does a Girl Have to Do to Get Moyoco Anno’s Autograph These Days?

There are reasons why I’ve never been to an anime convention outside of California. Number one: it’s expensive. Number two: it’s even more expensive if I don’t crash with local folks I know or share a hotel room with them. … Continue reading

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TOKYOPOP: Past, Present and Future at Anime Expo

Hi everyone! If you’re attending Anime Expo this year, I’ll be on the TOKYOPOP: Past, Present and Future panel Saturday night, 7 P.M., in LP 4 (that’s LACC 411.) I’ll be helping Stu Levy explain what happened to TOKYOPOP in … Continue reading

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Anime Expo 2010: Day One

All About Manga’s Daniella Orihuela-Gruber recounts her first day at Anime Expo 2010! What an exciting day it was indeed! Continue reading

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Ten REALLY GOOD Ways to Buy and Not Steal Manga

All About Manga lists 10 REALLY GOOD Ways to Buy and Not Steal Manga. Mostly because the author of this blog would really love to earn a living off of manga publishing! A living’s all she wants! (I’ll just have to marry rich!) Continue reading

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Tokyopop goes on tour

A few minutes ago, TOKYOPOP released a call for interns for a summer tour. Here’s what I can tell you: 1. TOKYOPOP is going on tour! Hitting up cons,  local bookstores and libraries and just generally getting themselves out there. … Continue reading

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Comic-Con creator, Shel Dorf, dies at 76

Comic-Con creator, Shel Dorf, died on Tuesday at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego from complications related to diabetes. A memorial for the man who created one of the best conventions ever. Continue reading

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