Hi everyone,
There are some big changes unleashed at All About Manga right now and I’m glad you’re sticking with me. As you may remember, I mentioned that I wanted to join an affiliate program as one of my 2011 goals. I’ve been seriously debating the best way to go about it. Do I install a tip jar that goes straight to my Paypal account? What other ways are there to monetize the blog? Which program is the best? What’s the best way to make my readers want to contribute money without feeling guilty or gypped?
So I joined Amazon Affiliates and I’m starting a new little system beginning now. The biggest reason being that blogging takes time and time spent not working means less money for me. Sometimes I do have to choose work over blogging because, frankly, blogging doesn’t really help me make rent. I don’t want my readers paying my bills, however. That feels like too much to ask of you, plus it would be kind of sleazy of me. Instead, I want you to help me buy comic books and manga, the driving force of this blog.
Without all the manga I read, All About Manga wouldn’t be very interesting or up-to-date. Sure, there’s still plenty to talk about, but it really helps a manga blogger if they know manga well. Thus when readers buy things from Amazon via my blog, I’ve set it up so that I get Amazon gift cards, not a direct deposit or a check in the mail. You are not paying for my living expenses, you’re paying for manga. And you get to choose which ones!
Here is how it will work: any manga I mention on this blog will be linked to Amazon, as well as two widgets that showcase my favorite manga that I’ve been reading and manga that I’ve worked on. Once the money accumulated via your purchases reaches about $12.99, I will make a post with various recently released and/or any older titles that I want to check out, readers will make other suggestions (which will be added to the post) and vote on the choices in the comments. After a day or two, the manga with the most votes in comments will be purchased via Amazon and reviewed when it arrives.
Hopefully this will be a fun little way to help me increase content for this blog. If you have any questions, thoughts or concerns about this new little venture, please let me know. I appreciate your support! ^_^
I like the one that lets me see what you’ve worked on =)
I’m glad! It feels like a good way to showcase what I’ve worked if people are interested in that from a fan or a professional perspective.
wow, that is honestly a great idea. i hope it works out, in the long run that is.
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