Hi everyone!
This is just a quite blog-related update to let you know why the blog is changing a little bit.
This past summer, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a law that said online retailers with any presence in the state would be charged taxes on their profits. Since their Amazon Associates program for individual bloggers & websites counted as presence in the state, Amazon quickly removed all their California-based members from the Associates program. Since I live in California, that means All About Manga was included and I had to remove all the widgets and links from this site lest I give Amazon a lot of free sales.
Today, Governor Brown repealed this law and Amazon is now allowing Californians back into their Associates program. This is kind of a relief for me because my Amazon Associates account was finally starting to make some money just as Californians were removed!
When I first started with Amazon Associates, I explained my plan for any profits made off of the program in this blog post. Because the total earned never reached $12.99 before the California legislation went into effect, I might as well pick up where I left off!
So, starting today, any purchases made through my Amazon Associates links and widgets will fund manga purchases which All About Manga readers will be able to chose through popular vote once we hit a certain price point. ($12.99, which makes most manga within reach.) After the purchase is made, I will then review and share my thoughts on the manga on the blog.
I chose this method because while I’m pretty broke these days, it seemed a little slimy to just ask for money without rewarding my lovely, loyal readers. Plus, if I’m broke, it’s harder to buy manga and this blog becomes less relevant. Therefore, if readers buy manga (or other items) on Amazon to help me buy manga to read & talk about on the blog, the readers reap the benefits of the Amazon Associates program just as much as I do. All you have to do as a reader is click on one of the links or widgets and purchase something off of Amazon for me to earn money.
Here’s an example of one of the widgets I will include on the site. This one shows off series that I’ve worked on, just in case you want to support the publishers I currently work for or have worked for in the past:
Like before, you’ll be able to see the Amazon Associate widgets on the right hand side of the blog.
Thanks to everyone in advance for supporting this blog through your Amazon.com purchases!