Category Archives: manga

Posts related to manga or manga news.

Debate: Does the “Artist Tax” Negate Pirating?

Recently, my best friend came to visit me for a week and -as is tradition whenever we see each other- we marathoned a show together. This time we settled on watching Princess Jellyfish, one of my favorite anime, despite the … Continue reading

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Hetalia’s Version of History: What Does It Offer Readers?

Full disclaimer: I work for TOKYOPOP as an editor, and I have worked on every print volume of Hetalia thus far. But I do enjoy Hetalia as a manga fan, and as a history nerd, and so this post is … Continue reading

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Depression and the Common Freelance Manga Editor

To most readers, I’m sure this blog seems like it’s half-dead. I haven’t posted since July and the last time I was able to post frequently was April. Before that, it was sometime in 2012. There is a reason for … Continue reading

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5 Reasons Why Anime Expo 2013 Was Good For Manga

So, for a while I’ve found anime cons to be a little depressing as a huge manga nerd. Very few manga panels, very few manga sellers in the dealers’ hall and a lot of publishers had relatively negative tones with … Continue reading

Posted in conventions, manga, news, opinion | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

30 Day Yaoi Challenge, Day 25: Kizuna volume 4

Y’know, I should just stop making promises about when this yaoi challenge is going to wrap up. But, I do expect to have more time to read manga this upcoming week, so maybe it’ll happen sooner that I think? I … Continue reading

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Kaori Yuki MMF: I Think I’ll Stick to the Victorian Goth Manga

Another Manga Movable Feast is rolling by this week and it’s about another mangaka (Kaori Yuki) whose seminal work I haven’t read in its entirety. Luckily, this time I’m prepared! I just happen to have bought all of Angel Sanctuary … Continue reading

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30 Day Yaoi Challenge, Day 24: Love Makes Everything Creepy

Yeah, I’m being reaaaaaaaaal bad about finishing up this challenge, but I have a legit excuse: I was working my part-time job and house-sitting for 4 days. The house-sitting included dog-sitting, so I was working 9-to-5 and dealing with three … Continue reading

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