Category Archives: conventions

5 Reasons Why Anime Expo 2013 Was Good For Manga

So, for a while I’ve found anime cons to be a little depressing as a huge manga nerd. Very few manga panels, very few manga sellers in the dealers’ hall and a lot of publishers had relatively negative tones with … Continue reading

Posted in conventions, manga, news, opinion | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Yaoi-Con Purchases

Since Yaoi-Con was in my neck of the woods this year, I decided to go for a day and hang out. It’s really not my type of con. I’m not that into yaoi or fangirling or cosplay or even seeing … Continue reading

Posted in conventions, manga, reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What Does a Girl Have to Do to Get Moyoco Anno’s Autograph These Days?

There are reasons why I’ve never been to an anime convention outside of California. Number one: it’s expensive. Number two: it’s even more expensive if I don’t crash with local folks I know or share a hotel room with them. … Continue reading

Posted in conventions, manga | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

TOKYOPOP: Past, Present and Future at Anime Expo

Hi everyone! If you’re attending Anime Expo this year, I’ll be on the TOKYOPOP: Past, Present and Future panel Saturday night, 7 P.M., in LP 4 (that’s LACC 411.) I’ll be helping Stu Levy explain what happened to TOKYOPOP in … Continue reading

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