Tag Archives: fandom

A Proposition for My Fellow Lady-Geeks

Over the course of the weekend, I read this interesting article on Kotaku about Nerds and Male Privilege. You should read it through, if you haven’t already, before continuing to read my post here as it makes a lot of … Continue reading

Posted in comics, Discussion, opinion | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Discussion: Is Hetalia Offensive to You?

All About Manga discusses a commenter who finds Hetalia offensive, why she finds Hetalia inoffensive and what this means from a historical standpoint. Continue reading

Posted in manga, opinion | Tagged , , , , , , | 87 Comments

Fandom Hierarchy: Should We Be Allowed to Hate?

Do we have a right to hate other fandoms? What’s up with the superiority complexes of other fans? Continue reading

Posted in manga | Tagged , , , , , | 15 Comments