Osaka Considering Regulation of Female-Oriented Manga

When I first saw Anime News Network’s clip on how Osaka is reviewing josei and boys’ love manga and other related materials for content that objectifies youth under the age of 18, I didn’t really notice it. After all, Tokyo’s been considering something similar so I figured Osaka just jumped on the bandwagon.

…Until I read Anime Vice’s post on the same subject when I realized something —Osaka is ONLY going after stuff targeted at women.


Imagine a world where josei did not exist for exploring female sexuality.

Now, I can understand the importance of regulating material that objectifies minors as well as the next person, whether it be shojo, josei or hentai. That’s not what I have a problem with. My problem is the fact that the Osaka Prefectural Government is ONLY going after materials that women read and NOTHING that’s marketed at guys. (Oh yes! There is a history of them ONLY going after female-oriented material!)

Excuse me, dudes, I do not think that is fair. I won’t say that the fairer sex isn’t past questionable Harlequin romances and even more questionable yaoi cliches, but I do think that dudes are a little more into objectifying minors than women are. Or, at least, most men do it with a little more frequency than most women do. If I am wrong, then I guess I’m going to hell for over-generalizing and will have to forever apologize to every guy who’s ever masturbated.

Moritheil of Anime Diet reminded me of Japan’s not-so-secretive sexism, how politicians don’t think realistically and how concerned Japan is with being able to sell anime and manga overseas, but I still have to say SHAME ON OSAKA.

I am so royally pissed at Osaka for not going after guy-oriented manga too. I know there HAS to be SOME ecchi, harem, moe-blob or hentai manga being sold in Osaka that’s objectifying minors!! Don’t tell me it doesn’t exist!

I SO wish I lived in Osaka so I could give the prefectural government there a little piece of my mind, but I am stuck with meaningless fan rage. I sincerely hope that Osaka’s government either includes scrutiny of male-oriented manga and related materials in their study or drops it all together in the sake of total free speech.

Ladies and Gents, what are you thoughts about this focus on regulating ONLY female-oriented manga?

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3 Responses to Osaka Considering Regulation of Female-Oriented Manga

  1. MikeyDPirate says:

    As a guy I am upset to hear this too. There is clearly some sort of unbalance going on here. Only targeting the stuff women read. I do read some shojo stuff and I can see the things that they put in there to appeal to the girls as in cute guys and junk. Still the stuff that is targeted at men/boys are almost ten times worse then then anything that is consider for girls. Not only are girls being played out to be weaker in the boys stuff but they are force to be put in ecchi situations that even I feel is a bit too much. I am kind of hoping they would see a change of heart and either drop this or be fair. I rather have no regulation then to have unfair regulation.

    • Definitely! While the hope is that they drop the regulations all together, (censorship is such a slippery slope, after all) it’s just so strange that they aren’t taking a look at ALL the perverted material for sale. I’m very glad to hear someone else’s opinion on this matter. :3

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