The 2011 Great Manga Gift Guide: Roundup #2

Well, it’s Christmas Eve, so I think that warrants the end of the 2011 Great Manga Gift Guides and thus, a wrap-up post.

Linda came up with a wonderful gift guide for manga that has stood the test of time and  that you wouldn’t want to buy digitally because the printed versions are so awesome at AnimeMiz’s Scribblings.

Seichan provides gifts for every kind of CLAMP fan, even the uninitiated, over at CLAMP*NEWS.

Kristin writes puts together a well-rounded gift guide of manga she’s read this year for

Finally, I wrote my traditional Great Shoujo Manga Gift Guide, although this year it could be called the Great Shoujo and Other Awesome Manga Written By Women Manga Gift Guide.

If we’re missing anyone’s gift guides, I’ll be more than happy to add them to this post and to the archives. Just send me a link!

I have to admit that I could have been a better host this year instead of getting distracted by personal stuff, so maybe that’s the reason why we got so few Great Manga Gift Guides this time around. Perhaps next year, the tradition should be passed on to a new host. Anyone interested?

That said, I hope everyone has a Happy Hanukkah and a Merry Christmas! Hope you get all the gifts you really want!

About Daniella Orihuela-Gruber

Daniella is a freelance manga editor and blogger. She likes collecting out of print manga and playing with her puppy. Yes, someone got her a puppy already.
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