Tokyopop Blog Discusses the FAQ of Manga on Hiatus

One of the questions publishers tend to hear the most (aside from, “when are you going to publish [insert name of manga here*]?”) is “when are you going to publish the next volume of [insert name of manga here**]?”

This tends to be one of the most aggravating for publishers to hear, actually. It’s not that publishers don’t WANT to answer it, it’s just that they’d prefer not to have to answer it 100+ times and have to disappoint fans over and over. (Not a very fun part of the job.) Sometimes there’s no answer to give people because the next volume just isn’t on the schedule yet. The typical vague and neutral statements issued in response satisfy no one because such questions are often asked in environments where a more detailed answer cannot be given.

But now, a Tokyopop blogger (presumably an employee, but I have no idea who it is, so it could be an intern) has taken to the time to give fans the lowdown on why series are put on hiatus and what you can do to pull them out of limbo.

The post is extremely thorough and well-written, answering not only why releases are put off, but how pubs get manga into bookstores, whether or not bookstores are bigger sellers than online retailers, why older titles are out-of-print, just why you SHOULD put your money where your mouth is and a lot of other insight into how book publishing works from a sales point-of-view.

Here’s a choice quote:

So sometimes we put a title on hiatus to see if fans manage to find what copies we have out there before we invest in producing more. How fast things come back from hiatus is heavily reliant on how existing stock performs, and whether we see an increased demand as people browse and pick up the early volumes and tell their friends about them, and then their friends go and pick them up. We’ve had some things reemerge from hiatus and perform well (Silver Diamond and Your & My Secret are good examples of this), and some things that in spite of their apparent popularity among the fans and buzz in the blogosphere, just don’t quite pick up enough steady business.

It’s worth checking out, which is why I’m posting about it. Bravo, TPHenshu, this is a great post.

*Quite possibly the name of something already published by another company. I’ve seen this happen.

**Quite possibly something that is already available for purchase, just had the next release date announced or is not even on hiatus.

About Daniella Orihuela-Gruber

Daniella is a freelance manga editor and blogger. She likes collecting out of print manga and playing with her puppy. Yes, someone got her a puppy already.
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5 Responses to Tokyopop Blog Discusses the FAQ of Manga on Hiatus

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  3. Cy says:

    Wow… the article says the vast majority of manga sales in the US come from brick-and-mortar stores, not online! With Borders closing most of its stores, I wonder what kind of impact that’ll have on manga sales… @_@

    Btw, the author of the article is “LillianDP, Senior Editor,” so I’m guessing it’s Lillian Diaz-Prybzl, one of their biggest editors over at TP.

    • DaniellaOG says:

      It’s going to have an awful impact on manga sales. Luckily, they aren’t closing all of their stores, so if they repair their relationship with Diamond and other book distributors, there will be new manga on Borders’ shelves again.

      I know the author is Lillian Diaz-Przybyl now, but at the time this post was written, she hadn’t signed her article. (And I do some work for TP. Lillian is actually my mentor and coworker.)

  4. Pingback: Manga Book Sales | Grab Bag | ArtPatient | ArtPatient

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